Signing this form affirms that you will be an active participant in building a future that is prosperous for all Oregonian and hold the following statements to be true:
Taxes are necessary to meet our common goals as a society.
- Oregon needs stable and consistent sources of tax revenue.
- Oregon needs a tax structure that better addresses the increasing gap between wealthy Oregonians, and the middle class and the poor.
Taxes fund the infrastructure that allows our local businesses and our overall economy to prosper. This includes:
- The promise of a strong education system, which is essential to opportunity and competitiveness in the global economy.
- Physical infrastructure that ensures real economic development.
The most equitable and effective tax system is one that is based on the ability to pay.
- Tax breaks for wealthy corporations and individuals diminish needed tax revenue and are not effective in strengthening the economy.
- A strong middle class is fundamental to economic growth.
Please visit the “About Us” section of this website for more information
Fill out my online form.